Wiki that.
Doppelganger: (noun) 1: a ghostly counterpart of a living person2 a: double 2a b: alter ego b c: a person who has the same name as another
Just when I though you wouldn't hear from me for a long time... I linked to a friend's blog through facebook and found the link to an eerily familiar sounding website - Yes, hubby and I seem to have a doppelganger. Now that must be twice as special as an individual doppelganger, wouldn't you think?
I'll Be Back
Postings for the near future will be sparser than usual. See, my next door neighbor moved on November 1st. She was letting me mooch off her wireless internet service and I haven't signed up for my own plan yet. I'm trying to hold off until a local provider has a good promotion. In the meantime, it's www withdrawals for me.
A Little Compassion Please
Okay, so I've started Facebooking. (like how almost anything can be turned into a verb?) and I just want to point out how sad it is when you select someone and the screen reads:
Loozah MacSmith HAS NO FRIENDS.
And now they (you know, the sadistic ones who run Facebook) feel the need to broadcast your pathetic aloneness to all of internetdom. I'm sorry my non-friend. I'm sorry.
Loozah MacSmith HAS NO FRIENDS.
And now they (you know, the sadistic ones who run Facebook) feel the need to broadcast your pathetic aloneness to all of internetdom. I'm sorry my non-friend. I'm sorry.
Ten NEW Excuses For Not Showing Up To Church
(taken from a greeting card)
- We have a blessing surplus.
- We still haven't applied what we learned last month.
- I've been classified as an overactive member.
- The bishop said to never come to church without your scriptures, and I lost mine.
- I'm waiting for all the stubborn people to die off.
- I decided to endure to the middle.
- If my home is the most sacred next to the temple, why should I ever leave?
- I know I'm supposed to go to the Celestial Kingdom, but I have a fear of heights.
- I'm creating reactivation opportunities.
- The missionaries told me I only had to go three times.
Stinky Stuff
Wisdom from my coworker Margie (not for the faint of heart)
The Three Worst Smells Of Children:
The Three Worst Smells Of Children:
- Bloody Stool
- E Coli
- Styrofoam that's been a kid's nose for a while
What did he do to deserve that?
Nathan surprised me with flowers after his class yesterday (for the first time in a long time) and what do I do? I dreamed last night that he was sleeping with my sister. Not nice.
Holy Canolli, It's Good To Be Home
After a week visiting family, it's nice to be home.
Home... where I can eat my Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast...where I don't have to climb stairs to use the bathroom if I wake up in the middle of the night...where I don't have to be self-conscious when I walk around in a bathrobe...where my grocery store is open around the clock ...where I know how to get from point A to point B without asking for directions or looking at a map...where I can drive to WalMart or Target or KMart or Lowe's or Home Depot or JoAnn Craft or Hallmark or Kohls or Old Navy or nearly anywhere I'm interested in going in 20 minutes or less...
Yes, it's good to be back.
Home... where I can eat my Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast...where I don't have to climb stairs to use the bathroom if I wake up in the middle of the night...where I don't have to be self-conscious when I walk around in a bathrobe...where my grocery store is open around the clock ...where I know how to get from point A to point B without asking for directions or looking at a map...where I can drive to WalMart or Target or KMart or Lowe's or Home Depot or JoAnn Craft or Hallmark or Kohls or Old Navy or nearly anywhere I'm interested in going in 20 minutes or less...
Yes, it's good to be back.
How I Spent My Saturday
So, yeah. We took the "scenic" route home. Between Manchester, New Hampshire and Salt Lake City we landed in no less than 4 cities. Why this madness? you might wonder.
Well, it began with a car accident. (Not mine. Not this time anyway) What should have been a leasurely hour-long drive to the airport took nearly twice as long because of a bottleneck at the site of a pileup that involved 4+ cars. That's right. The three of us (my grandpa chauffeured) spend at least half an hour in stop and go traffic on a two-lane highway. Which definitely involved more stopping than going. And which ended with me and Nathan standing in line waiting to go through security as I saw the listing for our plane change from boarding to departed.
Well, nowhere to go but forward. After security decided my canned fruit cocktail was contraband and made Nathan mail his metal-credit-card-sized-pocket-tool back to himself, we went to Southwest's terminal and explained our plight. While they didn't bring the plane back for us, we also didn't have to buy new tickets or get evil looks cast our way for being annoying. What did happen is that we flew standby from 11 o'clock Saturday morning (eastern time) to 8 am the next day (central time). We finally flew out from Manchester at 3:30 and got all the way to Chicago. In New Hampshire they had told us that we'd have to camp out in Chicago until 9:30 Sunday morning. Being stuck in an airport for 15 hour without any friends or family nearby did not sound like my idea of fun, so I made friendly with the employee at the Chicago gate and asked if they could do any better for me (us).
And guess what? We got to hang out in Dallas for a few hours with Nathan's favouritest aunt and her boys. In my book that was definitely a positive twist on what had started out as a bad day.
So, we started out in New Hampshire, had a layover in Chicago, took a flight to Dallas (with a 'stop' in St Louis where some passengers got off and some more got on and the two of us stayed put), hung out in Texas for ten hours, and finally got to go on a plane to Utah - but not before another 'stop', this time in Alburquerque. I rather felt like a yo-yo. Up and down, up and down. And I experienced most of the seasons in a 24 hour period. Pleasant autumn weather in New England, a humid summer night in Texas (where it's always summer), topped off by Utah's first snow of the winter. I had good times on my trip back home, but I would have to say that the biggest adventure was coming home.
Oh, and our luggage made it home before we did :)
Well, it began with a car accident. (Not mine. Not this time anyway) What should have been a leasurely hour-long drive to the airport took nearly twice as long because of a bottleneck at the site of a pileup that involved 4+ cars. That's right. The three of us (my grandpa chauffeured) spend at least half an hour in stop and go traffic on a two-lane highway. Which definitely involved more stopping than going. And which ended with me and Nathan standing in line waiting to go through security as I saw the listing for our plane change from boarding to departed.
Well, nowhere to go but forward. After security decided my canned fruit cocktail was contraband and made Nathan mail his metal-credit-card-sized-pocket-tool back to himself, we went to Southwest's terminal and explained our plight. While they didn't bring the plane back for us, we also didn't have to buy new tickets or get evil looks cast our way for being annoying. What did happen is that we flew standby from 11 o'clock Saturday morning (eastern time) to 8 am the next day (central time). We finally flew out from Manchester at 3:30 and got all the way to Chicago. In New Hampshire they had told us that we'd have to camp out in Chicago until 9:30 Sunday morning. Being stuck in an airport for 15 hour without any friends or family nearby did not sound like my idea of fun, so I made friendly with the employee at the Chicago gate and asked if they could do any better for me (us).
And guess what? We got to hang out in Dallas for a few hours with Nathan's favouritest aunt and her boys. In my book that was definitely a positive twist on what had started out as a bad day.
So, we started out in New Hampshire, had a layover in Chicago, took a flight to Dallas (with a 'stop' in St Louis where some passengers got off and some more got on and the two of us stayed put), hung out in Texas for ten hours, and finally got to go on a plane to Utah - but not before another 'stop', this time in Alburquerque. I rather felt like a yo-yo. Up and down, up and down. And I experienced most of the seasons in a 24 hour period. Pleasant autumn weather in New England, a humid summer night in Texas (where it's always summer), topped off by Utah's first snow of the winter. I had good times on my trip back home, but I would have to say that the biggest adventure was coming home.
Oh, and our luggage made it home before we did :)
A Moment of Panic
My trip got off to a good start. Nathan and I got to the airport early, didn't have any problems with security, and were able to sit next to each other on the plane. After a short layover in Baltimore, we landed safely in Providence, RI (Southwest doesn't have flights to Boston). And just FYI, that airport smelled funky. I hope the odor was temporary or else I'm never going there again.

Then I got to spend the night with my favoritest aunt! She and her husband picked us up from the airport and let us crash at their place. Of course, Nathan didn't get any sleep until he got his dose of the sci-fi channel. And I got to play with the puppies. Aunt Debbie treated us to some cheesecake and canollis for dessert. OMG! In Massachusetts you can buy canollis at the grocery store! To top off the good-food experience, Sunday morning we ate out at a local diner and I had my first ever eggs benedict. And I suprised myself by liking it :)

Oh, and the moment of panic mentioned above? At 11:30 Saturday night, we had just barely got in from the airport when I got a call on my cell phone (which I seldom have on and only had turned it on for the trip). It was my grandfather calling from an 801 area code. Yes, the grandfather who I planned on staying with for the rest of our time out here.
Our phone call went a little like this:
Me: Hello?
Me: Hello?
Him: Hi
Me: Who's this?
Him: It's Grandpa.
Me: Where are you?
Him: Just up the street.
Me: (pause) Are you in Utah?
Him: Yep, I came out to help Uncle Geeb on the house.
Me: Umm, did you remember I was coming out to visit?
Him: Sure, isn't that on the fourth? Deb (his wife) has it in an email.
Me: Uh, yeah...Today is the fourth...we're in Massachusetts now. (by now I'm thinking if there's other family I can stay with or if I should start calling hotels)
Him: Oh. Ok. Well, Deb's expecting you.
It doesn't seem nearly as stressful in writing. But I spent at least another minute making sure I had somewhere to stay for the rest of the week.
Forward #2
1. Any nickname? never really had one. a cousin used to call me Bethie...
2. Mother's name? Lisa
3. Tattoo? right, as if I'd volunteer for pain.
4. Body Piercing? one in each ear lobe
5. How much do you love your job? I'm pretty statisfied.
6. Birthplace? Massachusetts
7. Favorite vacation Spot? not sure, haven't been too many places
8. Ever been to Africa? nope, not planning on it either! me and heat don't mix.
9. Have you ever been on a cruise? not yet, but I'd sure love to.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? if I'm hungry and they're around and Nathan's not... then that's what's for dinner.
11. Ever been on TV? no, and I don't regret it.
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? no, don't feel the need to be a felon.
13. Ever been in a car accident? yes...3 times!! twice as a passenger and once as a pedestrian. moving cars often scare me.
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4-door. had a 2-door once and promised myself I'd never do it again.
15. Favorite salad dressing? italian. funny story - i didn't like any salad dressing until college. still won't touch the creamy types.
16. Favorite pie? apple pie, hands down.
17. Favorite number? 27. don't ask me why, i don't know.
18. Favorite movie? hmmm... don't have one
19. Favorite holiday? maybe Independence Day. i love the fireworks.
20. Favorite dessert? anything chocolate. can't narrow it down more than that.
21. Favorite food? mmm, Italian. especially calzones, lasagna, and fresh ravioli. oh! and top it off with a great canolli!
22. Favorite day of the week? a Saturday without appointments
23. Favorite brand of body wash? Dove
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest
25. Favorite smell? not sure
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? older, and hopefully not heavier, with a kid or two and a husband who is finally done with school. probably starting to grey, but i'll fight that with a good hairdresser.
2. Mother's name? Lisa
3. Tattoo? right, as if I'd volunteer for pain.
4. Body Piercing? one in each ear lobe
5. How much do you love your job? I'm pretty statisfied.
6. Birthplace? Massachusetts
7. Favorite vacation Spot? not sure, haven't been too many places
8. Ever been to Africa? nope, not planning on it either! me and heat don't mix.
9. Have you ever been on a cruise? not yet, but I'd sure love to.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? if I'm hungry and they're around and Nathan's not... then that's what's for dinner.
11. Ever been on TV? no, and I don't regret it.
12. Ever steal any traffic sign? no, don't feel the need to be a felon.
13. Ever been in a car accident? yes...3 times!! twice as a passenger and once as a pedestrian. moving cars often scare me.
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4-door. had a 2-door once and promised myself I'd never do it again.
15. Favorite salad dressing? italian. funny story - i didn't like any salad dressing until college. still won't touch the creamy types.
16. Favorite pie? apple pie, hands down.
17. Favorite number? 27. don't ask me why, i don't know.
18. Favorite movie? hmmm... don't have one
19. Favorite holiday? maybe Independence Day. i love the fireworks.
20. Favorite dessert? anything chocolate. can't narrow it down more than that.
21. Favorite food? mmm, Italian. especially calzones, lasagna, and fresh ravioli. oh! and top it off with a great canolli!
22. Favorite day of the week? a Saturday without appointments
23. Favorite brand of body wash? Dove
24. Favorite toothpaste? Crest
25. Favorite smell? not sure
26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? older, and hopefully not heavier, with a kid or two and a husband who is finally done with school. probably starting to grey, but i'll fight that with a good hairdresser.
Forward #1
I'm tired of not posting anything but I'm also not feeling creative. So, courtesy of coworker Ruth, here are my answers to a questionaire I received in my email today.
"Hit forward and place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not. Send it to your friends (including me). This is for your entire life!"
( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school - do college classes count? I was a goody two shoes in grade school and never skipped classes without Mom's permission.
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada - I went to Quebec city several times with my high school french class. It was good times.
( ) Been to Mexico - nope.
( ) Been to Florida - no again, and it's not on my to do list.
(x) Been on a plane - yep. And I tend to be an anxious flyer. Never get air sick, but I do grip the armrest really hard during turbulence and often worry about getting to the ground safely.
(x) Been lost - yes again. I'm rather good at not knowing where I am. Most notably, I got lost in Arlington National Cemetary.
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country - well, I grew up in Massachusetts, live in Utah now, and have played on a beach in California. I think you could say I've been from coast to coast.
(x) Gone to Washington, DC - lots. First as part of an 8th grade class trip, once with my grandparents, and other times with my church youth group.
(x) Swam in the ocean - played in the Atlantic every summer growing up. Didn't exactly swim over my head, but yes, techinically I have swum in the ocean.
(x) Cried yourself to sleep - whether from a sappy romance novel, teenage angst, or mourning the loss of a loved one, yes I have done this.
( ) Played cops and robbers
( ) Recently colored with crayons - sadly, no. I need to play more. Children have the best fun.
(x) Sang Karaoke - once or twice. And I wasn't even drunk! :)
( ) Paid for a meal with coins only - only if the meal was an ice cream cone.
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - haven't we all? the first one I'll admit to is digging into chocolate in the same hour that I told myself I was going to cut back.
( ) Made prank phone calls
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus - I don't remember specifically doing this, but I'm sure I did sometime when I was little.
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe - actually, I don't know if I've ever come across mistletoe in a doorway. Gives me a good idea for the upcoming winter season.
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about - the only time this will happen is if I stay up all night. I don't see myself getting up that early just to watch the sunrise. Give me a beautiful sunset any day.
(x) Gone ice skating - not enough to be good at it.
( ) Been skinny dipping outdoors - yikes, I'm not even comfortable swimming in a bathing suit.
(x) Gone to the movies - off course!
"Hit forward and place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not. Send it to your friends (including me). This is for your entire life!"
( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school - do college classes count? I was a goody two shoes in grade school and never skipped classes without Mom's permission.
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada - I went to Quebec city several times with my high school french class. It was good times.
( ) Been to Mexico - nope.
( ) Been to Florida - no again, and it's not on my to do list.
(x) Been on a plane - yep. And I tend to be an anxious flyer. Never get air sick, but I do grip the armrest really hard during turbulence and often worry about getting to the ground safely.
(x) Been lost - yes again. I'm rather good at not knowing where I am. Most notably, I got lost in Arlington National Cemetary.
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country - well, I grew up in Massachusetts, live in Utah now, and have played on a beach in California. I think you could say I've been from coast to coast.
(x) Gone to Washington, DC - lots. First as part of an 8th grade class trip, once with my grandparents, and other times with my church youth group.
(x) Swam in the ocean - played in the Atlantic every summer growing up. Didn't exactly swim over my head, but yes, techinically I have swum in the ocean.
(x) Cried yourself to sleep - whether from a sappy romance novel, teenage angst, or mourning the loss of a loved one, yes I have done this.
( ) Played cops and robbers
( ) Recently colored with crayons - sadly, no. I need to play more. Children have the best fun.
(x) Sang Karaoke - once or twice. And I wasn't even drunk! :)
( ) Paid for a meal with coins only - only if the meal was an ice cream cone.
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - haven't we all? the first one I'll admit to is digging into chocolate in the same hour that I told myself I was going to cut back.
( ) Made prank phone calls
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus - I don't remember specifically doing this, but I'm sure I did sometime when I was little.
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe - actually, I don't know if I've ever come across mistletoe in a doorway. Gives me a good idea for the upcoming winter season.
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about - the only time this will happen is if I stay up all night. I don't see myself getting up that early just to watch the sunrise. Give me a beautiful sunset any day.
(x) Gone ice skating - not enough to be good at it.
( ) Been skinny dipping outdoors - yikes, I'm not even comfortable swimming in a bathing suit.
(x) Gone to the movies - off course!
When Life Hands You Lemons
Tonight we went to the Provo Library's grand prize drawing for their summer reading program. After a rousing game of Jeopardy, staffed by three volunteer contestants from the crowd and a glued-on-mustached 'Alex Trebek', it was time for the door prizes. The announcer was a petite, four and a half foot woman with a voice as slight as her stature who didn't ennunciate clearly into the microphone and there was a long pause after the first name was read before I realized she had said my name. As exciting as it was win something, I spent the remainder of the drawing wondering how I was going to unload my prize - Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium. I was bummed as I listened to the other DVDs being handed out. Mr Mablah blah blah was definitely the lamest win of the night.
As the activity came to an end, I decided that I didn't feel up to the hassle of regifting or Craigslisting the undesired movie. So I approached one of the non-midget library workers and said thanks but no thanks and I'd rather the library just kept the movie for their own collection. The woman I talked with said she felt bad about it and suggested I take extra candy on my way out. I was okay with that but one of her coworkers spoke up and suggested we take the unwanted movie to WalMart and swap it out.
That's how I came home with a copy of Stargate Continuum (something both Nathan and I were wanting to see). I've never been so grateful for WalMart and it's easy return policy. Makes me want to never shop at Target again.
As the activity came to an end, I decided that I didn't feel up to the hassle of regifting or Craigslisting the undesired movie. So I approached one of the non-midget library workers and said thanks but no thanks and I'd rather the library just kept the movie for their own collection. The woman I talked with said she felt bad about it and suggested I take extra candy on my way out. I was okay with that but one of her coworkers spoke up and suggested we take the unwanted movie to WalMart and swap it out.
That's how I came home with a copy of Stargate Continuum (something both Nathan and I were wanting to see). I've never been so grateful for WalMart and it's easy return policy. Makes me want to never shop at Target again.
Good for a chuckle
I was at a department store and had to use 'the facilities'. While sitting down, I noticed the door handle. It said Hiney Hiders. Not much is funny in a public restroom, but that was. Maybe you had to be there.
A Peeve
Got my ads today with the Sunday paper. Browsing through the store sales like I usually do and . . . Shopko is having an 'end of the season' sale. For summer things. In June. Which is funny, because when I went there last week I saw a clearance rack full of coats - winter coats. I guess I better shop ahead so I'll have short sleeve shirts in August and can't find any in the stores because sweaters are on sale.
that can't be good
had a dream last night that I was fired because I was sick and had to miss 3 days of work. thankfully that didn't happen. but today at work the office manager - my boss - asked my if I'm always sick or if it's just working there that was making me sick. yikes! i emphatically said that it was just coincidence and I rarely got so sick for so long.
Are We Better Yet?
Yeah, no. Saw the doc for a 2 week check up on the pneumonia. Good news is the lungs sound clear. Bad news is I have a double ear infection topped off by a sinus infection. He sent me home with more drugs and I'm staying home from work tomorrow. Send healthy vibes my way.
Blog Stalking
This is what happens when you make a habit of reading an old friend's blog without telling them. One day they decide to go private and then you have to explain that, even though you haven't visited or called or emailed in months and months and months, you want to be 'invited' to read their blog. Because, yes, you're a blog stalker and like to keep tabs on your friends in a rather one-sided, silent, distant sort of way.
Customer Service
I recently bought a box of hanging folders - you know, for filing papers. Well, the package said that there were 20 folders inside but when I counted (and recounted) there were only 19. I wrote a short email to let the company know about this descrepancy. They replied with an apology and said that a replacement product would be sent. While not the response I was expecting, I wasn't going to argue with getting something for free.
Yesterday I came home to find a package waiting on my doorstep. Yep, it was the "replacement product." The same file folders I had complained about, with one difference. This box had 18 of them. So much for quality control.
Yesterday I came home to find a package waiting on my doorstep. Yep, it was the "replacement product." The same file folders I had complained about, with one difference. This box had 18 of them. So much for quality control.
Happy Anniversary To Us!
What did we do for our 7th wedding anniversary last weekend?
- Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point
- romantic dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory
- made breakfast together and had muffins, fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, and sausage
- skipped church
- stayed overnight at a cute Bed & Breakfast
- ate curry at an Indian restaurant
- stayed home from work and enjoyed a 3 day weekend together
- exchanged gifts
What we postponed because I was Sick:
- Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Ancient Life (for him)
- The Hogle Zoo (for me)
- Pampering at a local school of massage therapy (for both of us)
Wow, Seven Years
I haven't written about our anniversary because I've been SICK and haven't done much of anything since last Thursday, which is when I got Really Sick. So, I've been sick with some degree of cold nastiness for this entire month and all of last month too. I tried to do something about it at the beginning of March, but (after 2 doctor's visits and 2 courses of antibiotics) I thought I'd just have to wait out the sniffles and coughing. I felt like a commercial for Nyquil. Except Nyquil wears off after about 4 hours and I would wake up around that same time - coughing.
What changed? Last Thursday, April 24, I had a strange tightness in my chest all day. Thinking that perhaps I was simply tired, I laid down for a bit after work. Later that evening the pressure was still there so I decided it was time for a visit to the Urgent Care Center. This doctor listened to my history and lungs, then diagnosed me with a combination of reactive airway and post nasal drip from allergic rhinitis. Basically, asthma-like symptoms prompted by seasonal allergies. I had an albuterol treatment at the office that made it so I could take a deep breath without coughing. Since that worked for me, I was content to take home the asthma medicine and give that a chance to help me.
Um, no. On Friday, my cough got worse, the aches set in, my nose dripped, and my head felt like it was struck by a hammer any time I blew my nose or coughed. That was my weekend. To make an already long story not as long, I went to the doctor on Tuesday, April 29, and was told I have pneumonia. Yippy Skippy.
What changed? Last Thursday, April 24, I had a strange tightness in my chest all day. Thinking that perhaps I was simply tired, I laid down for a bit after work. Later that evening the pressure was still there so I decided it was time for a visit to the Urgent Care Center. This doctor listened to my history and lungs, then diagnosed me with a combination of reactive airway and post nasal drip from allergic rhinitis. Basically, asthma-like symptoms prompted by seasonal allergies. I had an albuterol treatment at the office that made it so I could take a deep breath without coughing. Since that worked for me, I was content to take home the asthma medicine and give that a chance to help me.
Um, no. On Friday, my cough got worse, the aches set in, my nose dripped, and my head felt like it was struck by a hammer any time I blew my nose or coughed. That was my weekend. To make an already long story not as long, I went to the doctor on Tuesday, April 29, and was told I have pneumonia. Yippy Skippy.
While I was making phone calls at work today, reminding parents of their kids appointments tomorrow, I came across a name that made me pause. Stiletto Heaven Smith*. Honestly, what was she thinking? That little girl better love high heels. Or change her name at age 18. I've seen some unusual names while working at a pediatrician's office - names I would never use for a child of mine - but this takes the cake.
(Last name has been changed to protect the innocent, but believe me when I say it only added to the humor.)
(Last name has been changed to protect the innocent, but believe me when I say it only added to the humor.)
Movie Review
* disclaimer - my reviews are highly biased and does not mean that you will not like the show* I just finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and I am not happy. I don't find it the least bit satisfying that Will and Elizabeth get to have a long term relationship in which they only get to see each other once every 10 years. For me, this is a sad ending. Honestly, how lonely would that be. She's now a single mother who isn't free to pursue other romances because the love of her life is still 'alive.' Yeah, I cried - a lot.
Buyer's Remorse
Toilet paper is supposed to be a simple purchase. Not much thinking needed, right? Well, we were running low last weekend so I went to the store and bought the cheapest one that wasn't generic. (I've had bad luck with generic TP in the past) I used the first roll today only to discover that I'd gotten 1-ply. It feels like tissue paper, but not as thick. Ick. Why do they make this stuff?
So I remembered that I am picky about toilet paper. There is a good reason why I was buying Charmin and Cottonelle. They're thick and absorbent - isn't that what you need to do the job?
So I remembered that I am picky about toilet paper. There is a good reason why I was buying Charmin and Cottonelle. They're thick and absorbent - isn't that what you need to do the job?
A Crockpot Recipe
Crock-pot Roast
1 beef roast
1 envelope Italian dressing mix
1 envelope brown gravy dressing
1 envelope ranch dressing
1 envelope Lipton's onion soup mix
1/2 cup water
Veggies as desired (carrots, celery, and potatoes)
Place roast in crock-pot, sprinkle seasonings on top of roast. Place the water around the roast. Add carrots and celery. Cook on low for 8-10 hours, adding potatoes for the last two hours of cooking.
My Results:
I didn't have an Italian dressing mix, so I used some actual Italian salad dressing. I'll use this recipe in the future without my substitution. Also, the celery was too limp and soggy after cooking for so long. Overall, it tasted good and was very tender. I got compliments from my father-in-law.
1 beef roast
1 envelope Italian dressing mix
1 envelope brown gravy dressing
1 envelope ranch dressing
1 envelope Lipton's onion soup mix
1/2 cup water
Veggies as desired (carrots, celery, and potatoes)
Place roast in crock-pot, sprinkle seasonings on top of roast. Place the water around the roast. Add carrots and celery. Cook on low for 8-10 hours, adding potatoes for the last two hours of cooking.
My Results:
I didn't have an Italian dressing mix, so I used some actual Italian salad dressing. I'll use this recipe in the future without my substitution. Also, the celery was too limp and soggy after cooking for so long. Overall, it tasted good and was very tender. I got compliments from my father-in-law.
photobucket meme
Rules of the Game (courtesy of The Sassy Lime):
1. Go to
2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box
3. Select a picture using only the first page
4. Copy the html (from the lower left side of the page) and paste for the answer.
- What is your first name?
- Relationship status?
- Favourite candy?
- Favourite color?
- Celebrity crush? (don't really have one, but if I had to pick) * This is Agent Vaughn from Alias. James Bondish but younger and doesn't sleep around as much.
- Favourite band? (not much into music...)
- Favourite movie?
- Favourite TV show?

- What is your job?
- What is your hobby?
- 1 word to describe yourself.
Excuses People Have For Not Going To Church
I found the following list in "The Laconia Daily Sun" that my mom used as padding for a package she sent me. It made me laugh, maybe you'll like it too.
The No-Excuse Sunday
- Cots will be placed in the vestibule for those who say, "Sunday is my only day for sleeping in."
- Eye drops will be available for those whose eyesare tired from watching TV too late on Saturday night.
- We will have steel helmets for those who believe the roof will cave in if they show up for church services.
- Blankets will be furnished for those who complain that the church is too cold. Fans will be on hand for those who say it is too hot.
- We will have hearing aids for those who say, "The pastor talks too softly." There will be cotton for those who say he is too loud.
- Scorecards will be available for those who wish to count the hypocrites present.
- Relatives will be in attendance for those who like to go visiting on Sunday.
- TV dinners will be available for those who claim they can't go to church and cook dinner too.
- One section of the church will have some trees and grass for those who see God in nature, especially on the golf course.
- The sanctuary will be decorated with both Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies for those who have never seen the church without them.
* My biggest problems are with numbers 1, 2, 4, and 7. But mostly the first one*
A Wish List
What I Want To Do With My Tax Rebate:
- buy a newer, faster computer - so it's easier to play with my digital camera
- buy a washing machine - so I don't have to hang out with the creepy people at the laundromat
- buy a mattress that doesn't scratch me
- visit relatives in Texas
What I Will Actually Do:
- refund my savings account for the amount I owed the IRS
- use the rest to pay Maaco to make my car look beautiful again after yesterday morning's incident
Happy St Patrick's Day
I was a little scared to try something with leeks in it, but I thought this soup turned out really yummy:
Cock-a-Leekie Soup
2.5 to 3 lb chicken, cut up
4 C water
1/2 C chopped carrot
1/2 C chopped celery
2 tsp salt
1 bay leaf
2 medium leeks, thinly sliced
1 small potato, peeled and diced
1/3 C quick-cooking barley
2 C milk
* We used more carrots, celery, and potatoes and only 1 leek.
Cock-a-Leekie Soup
2.5 to 3 lb chicken, cut up
4 C water
1/2 C chopped carrot
1/2 C chopped celery
2 tsp salt
1 bay leaf
2 medium leeks, thinly sliced
1 small potato, peeled and diced
1/3 C quick-cooking barley
2 C milk
* We used more carrots, celery, and potatoes and only 1 leek.
I Was Distracted
I didn't write any updates this week because I was distracted by looking at blogger backgrounds. I thought that I would change my template but - after spending too much time looking around online - decided that it was too much work and that my current blogspot design is good enough. But hey! I loaded a picture of myself :)
Time Flies
Working days has given me less time and energy to write. Earlier this week I thought up a plan that I would write on my day off (I only work 4 days a week at my new job). I still think that's a good idea, but it didn't happen this time around because of a Plumbing Problem. And because it's already 11 o'clock at night and I always read in bed a bit before actually sleeping, that is a story that will have to wait until tomorrow. Just wanted to drop a note to say that I'm planning on blogging on a weekly basis. Maybe twice a week, but let's not set our expectations too high.
Thanks for your concern...
I went in to work Monday morning. I didn't feel healthy, but I went. I stayed until noon and then threw in the towel for the day. It was slow for a Monday so I didn't feel that badly about it. Today I called in sick and spent quality time with Mr Couch and Mrs Kleenex. Stupid germs.
I figured out why I'm sick. You know how when you were a kid and home sick then your mom said you had to stay in bed all day. Kind of as a way to make sure that you didn't stay home from school just to play? Well, maybe this is God's way of saying "if you aren't going to church this weekend then you sure aren't going to have fun about it." Just a thought. I'm going back to bed now.
Mmmm, Nyquil
Yep, I'm sick again. Sniffles, cough, sinus pressure, aches... Nyquil is my new best friend. And Kleenex. And sleep. And my brand new thermometer is broken, what's up with that? I so do not have a temperature of 96.2 degrees.
I don't know what I'm going to do if Monday rolls around and I'm still this sick. No way do I want to call in sick to work after I've only been there for 2 weeks. And Mondays are the busiest day of the week at a doctor's office so they need the help. But I feel horrible. And I'm sure it won't build confidence in the parents to hear me hacking up a lung.
Also, stake conference is this weekend. I'm definitely not going to those meetings. No dilemma there. Sorry Nathan, you'll have to sit alone this week.
I don't know what I'm going to do if Monday rolls around and I'm still this sick. No way do I want to call in sick to work after I've only been there for 2 weeks. And Mondays are the busiest day of the week at a doctor's office so they need the help. But I feel horrible. And I'm sure it won't build confidence in the parents to hear me hacking up a lung.
Also, stake conference is this weekend. I'm definitely not going to those meetings. No dilemma there. Sorry Nathan, you'll have to sit alone this week.
What's New?
On February 1st I gave 2 weeks notice at work because...I got a job offer!
The story goes like this - January 4 I interview with a local pediatrician's office. I'm told that they'll make their choice in the next 2 weeks. Time passes and no contact. I'm thinking, I should have written a cover letter, I should have sent a thank you letter, I should have presented myself better in the interview, etcetera, etcetera.
January 18, I gather my courage and call. The phones rings and rings and goes to the answering service. I leave a voice mail message saying "Um, are you going to hire me or not?" (but a little more tactfully) The next day is Saturday and I find a letter in the mail from the place I interviewed at. I recognize the letterhead and get excited. But the excitement fades as I realize that there is no good reason a company would send a letter to ask someone to work for them. Yes, it was a rejection letter. Not only did I NOT get the job, but I feel like a goober for leaving a message. I think it would be fair to say that I was not good company that weekend.
That Monday I was doing my usual sleeping-in-too-late routine and the phone rang. It was Utah Valley Pediatrics (the place I interviewed with). "Great," I thought, "she's returning my call from Friday to tell me that I didn't get the position so now I get to hear it out loud. Thanks, but the letter was enough."
Well, she surprised me by saying that the person she wanted to hire "flaked out" and I'm her second choice and would I still be interested in the job?
So that's how last week was my first week at my new job that is during the daytime, less than two miles from home, working with children, with full-time benefits.
The story goes like this - January 4 I interview with a local pediatrician's office. I'm told that they'll make their choice in the next 2 weeks. Time passes and no contact. I'm thinking, I should have written a cover letter, I should have sent a thank you letter, I should have presented myself better in the interview, etcetera, etcetera.
January 18, I gather my courage and call. The phones rings and rings and goes to the answering service. I leave a voice mail message saying "Um, are you going to hire me or not?" (but a little more tactfully) The next day is Saturday and I find a letter in the mail from the place I interviewed at. I recognize the letterhead and get excited. But the excitement fades as I realize that there is no good reason a company would send a letter to ask someone to work for them. Yes, it was a rejection letter. Not only did I NOT get the job, but I feel like a goober for leaving a message. I think it would be fair to say that I was not good company that weekend.
That Monday I was doing my usual sleeping-in-too-late routine and the phone rang. It was Utah Valley Pediatrics (the place I interviewed with). "Great," I thought, "she's returning my call from Friday to tell me that I didn't get the position so now I get to hear it out loud. Thanks, but the letter was enough."
Well, she surprised me by saying that the person she wanted to hire "flaked out" and I'm her second choice and would I still be interested in the job?
So that's how last week was my first week at my new job that is during the daytime, less than two miles from home, working with children, with full-time benefits.
If I could, those letters would be trailing icicles - says that the temperature outside is 8.5 degrees Farenheit and says it's 14 degrees! Hmmm, I'll believe that the second option is more correct. I love winter but I don't like being a human popsicle.
Don't Quit Your Day Job
This month when I blow out my candles, I am going to wish for a day job. I love the people I work with but I really need to work during the daylight hours. There are several reasons for this, the most important to me is that I want to see more of my husband.
Last Friday I had a job interview at a local pediatrician's office. (I won't hear back for another week.) I hate the question "how did it go?" Because really, I won't know how it went until I find out if I landed the job or not.
Last Friday I had a job interview at a local pediatrician's office. (I won't hear back for another week.) I hate the question "how did it go?" Because really, I won't know how it went until I find out if I landed the job or not.
Welcome 2008
As I've been thinking about the past year and the changes it brought, 2 things stand out:
1) Nathan changed jobs. Last August, his temp job with Nature's Sunshine ended abruptly. We were very fortunate because he found a new position in less than two weeks. He now works at a company called MBi Neutraceuticals. It's closer to home, has nice coworkers, offers paid time off and health insurance, and the boss appreciates Nathan's contributions. We appreciate the Christmas bonus.
2) We got a new car. On Hall0ween Day we bought a 'pre-owned' '05 Camry from Larry H Miller of Lindon. It was a scary decision, but I think it was the right one. I'm not happy to have car payments, but I'm very glad to have a car that I can trust. We can drive from our home to Salt Lake City and not worry about the engine overheating. I also like the automatic rearview mirrors that can be adjusted from inside, the trunk that can be opened without using your key, the power windows and locks, and the rear seat belts that have shoulder straps.
1) Nathan changed jobs. Last August, his temp job with Nature's Sunshine ended abruptly. We were very fortunate because he found a new position in less than two weeks. He now works at a company called MBi Neutraceuticals. It's closer to home, has nice coworkers, offers paid time off and health insurance, and the boss appreciates Nathan's contributions. We appreciate the Christmas bonus.
2) We got a new car. On Hall0ween Day we bought a 'pre-owned' '05 Camry from Larry H Miller of Lindon. It was a scary decision, but I think it was the right one. I'm not happy to have car payments, but I'm very glad to have a car that I can trust. We can drive from our home to Salt Lake City and not worry about the engine overheating. I also like the automatic rearview mirrors that can be adjusted from inside, the trunk that can be opened without using your key, the power windows and locks, and the rear seat belts that have shoulder straps.
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