
I've Been Doppelganger-ed

Wiki that.

Doppelganger: (noun) 1: a ghostly counterpart of a living person2 a: double 2a b: alter ego b c: a person who has the same name as another

Just when I though you wouldn't hear from me for a long time... I linked to a friend's blog through facebook and found the link to an eerily familiar sounding website - beth.bethandnathan.com Yes, hubby and I seem to have a doppelganger. Now that must be twice as special as an individual doppelganger, wouldn't you think?

I'll Be Back

Postings for the near future will be sparser than usual. See, my next door neighbor moved on November 1st. She was letting me mooch off her wireless internet service and I haven't signed up for my own plan yet. I'm trying to hold off until a local provider has a good promotion. In the meantime, it's www withdrawals for me.