
I've Been Doppelganger-ed

Wiki that.

Doppelganger: (noun) 1: a ghostly counterpart of a living person2 a: double 2a b: alter ego b c: a person who has the same name as another

Just when I though you wouldn't hear from me for a long time... I linked to a friend's blog through facebook and found the link to an eerily familiar sounding website - beth.bethandnathan.com Yes, hubby and I seem to have a doppelganger. Now that must be twice as special as an individual doppelganger, wouldn't you think?


  1. http://www.hulu.com/watch/1588/saturday-night-live-doppleganger
    This is SNL's clip about the doppleganger effect. It's hilarios!!!! Enjoy!

  2. Whoa, I'm pretty sure that came from my blog! And yeah, I thought that was funny too.

  3. I had the ame thing happen to me via myspace. There were 2 lani and davids. Strange huh? One couple was in Hawaii. I wish i we were that Lani and David. Is there a word for doppleganger envy?
