
Wow, Seven Years

I haven't written about our anniversary because I've been SICK and haven't done much of anything since last Thursday, which is when I got Really Sick. So, I've been sick with some degree of cold nastiness for this entire month and all of last month too. I tried to do something about it at the beginning of March, but (after 2 doctor's visits and 2 courses of antibiotics) I thought I'd just have to wait out the sniffles and coughing. I felt like a commercial for Nyquil. Except Nyquil wears off after about 4 hours and I would wake up around that same time - coughing.

What changed? Last Thursday, April 24, I had a strange tightness in my chest all day. Thinking that perhaps I was simply tired, I laid down for a bit after work. Later that evening the pressure was still there so I decided it was time for a visit to the Urgent Care Center. This doctor listened to my history and lungs, then diagnosed me with a combination of reactive airway and post nasal drip from allergic rhinitis. Basically, asthma-like symptoms prompted by seasonal allergies. I had an albuterol treatment at the office that made it so I could take a deep breath without coughing. Since that worked for me, I was content to take home the asthma medicine and give that a chance to help me.

Um, no. On Friday, my cough got worse, the aches set in, my nose dripped, and my head felt like it was struck by a hammer any time I blew my nose or coughed. That was my weekend. To make an already long story not as long, I went to the doctor on Tuesday, April 29, and was told I have pneumonia. Yippy Skippy.

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