
photobucket meme

Rules of the Game (courtesy of The Sassy Lime):
1. Go to http://www.photobucket.com/
2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box
3. Select a picture using only the first page
4. Copy the html (from the lower left side of the page) and paste for the answer.

  • What is your first name?


  • Relationship status?


  • Favourite candy?


  • Favourite color?


  • Celebrity crush? (don't really have one, but if I had to pick) * This is Agent Vaughn from Alias. James Bondish but younger and doesn't sleep around as much.
    michael vartan
  • Favourite band? (not much into music...)

The Dixie Chicks

  • Favourite movie?

Runaway Bride

  • Favourite TV show?
bones That's Bones people.

  • What is your job?

Medical Assistant

  • What is your hobby?


  • 1 word to describe yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, I tried to do this but when I pasted all I pasted was the actual address????
    But I want to tell you that I just ate a Kit Kat. Although Snickers is my fav. You have loved purple forever. Good for you. My fav. color changes with the day..today I love yellow. Who is the guy you had for fav. celebrity? And I also love Bones. My fav. is Criminal Minds. Are you and my mom ever in touch re. ancestory? She is all abou that and I believe you are too.:)
    Talk to you soon. Love, AD
