
This Is My Life

I go on vacation and have two days of extremely miserable allergy symptoms which largely resolve only to be followed by two days of increasingly worse sinus pressure and ear pain. The plus side is working at a doctor's office with someone who is kind enough to call in an antibiotic so that I don't have to be sick for the rest of my stay (cross your fingers).  Have you ever tried flying with (probable) sinus and ear infection? Been there, done that. I'd rather suffer a twelve hour layover in Phoenix - where the weather is like standing in a furnace and I don't know anyone to visit and it's not a hub so there's slim chance of getting out sooner. (Notice I didn't say that I'd rather have mono, or be hit by a car, or have broken ribs, or have a broken tailbone, or have pneumonia, or be recovering from surgery. People, I now have perspective. These things are worse than sinus misery.) 

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