
It Really Bugs Me When...

parents give their sons middle names and not their daughters. What's with that?? Yes, yes, when they get married they can take their maiden name as a middle name. O-kay, so we're hinging a young woman's identity (well, just name) on her future as a wife? Lame. Very lame. And if she never marries? Or is a revolutionary and decides to keep her own last name? Oh, and until then, all those forms that ask for a middle initial will be filled in with NMI. That's the abbreviation for No Middle Initial. Does that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Thought so.


  1. I never really noticed that. I am going to poll my class and check it out!!!

  2. The prev. comment was from me, forgot to sign it. sigh.
    And just for the record, my whole name is Deborah Anne Anne Daigle Lynn-Roy. Oye
