
Visiting Teaching

I just finished my visiting teaching for September. I've always enjoyed these monthly visits. Okay, I get anxious every other month when it's my turn to share the lesson. But this time I was the one to schedule the apointments. It also helps that my partner lives just two doors down and is just a really awesome woman. We've been visiting teaching companions since I moved here last December and I'll be really sad when that changes. I hear that in regular wards people can be assigned together for years. Due to the nomadic tendencies of student life, visiting teaching companions in a student ward are lucky if they're paired up for 6 months.

Now, I know some people don't like visiting teaching or have a beef with the program. And sure the first visit or two - AKA the 'getting to know you' stage - can be awkward, but after that it's a good way to make sure you schedule time in to see friends.

Between work, school, grocery shopping, laundry, attending family events, etcetera, etcetera... how often do we take time to drop by and spend some time with our friends? If I see my mechanic every 3 months for an oil change then shouldn't I see my old college roomie at least as much? At least she doesn't tell me I'm old and broken each time we get together. Unlike my mechanic.

1 comment:

  1. Beth,
    You're awesome! I has been so much visiting teaching with you. More than just that it's been dang fun being friends. Thanks for your help the other night with the corn bread. Good idea making them in a cupcake pan. I would have never thought of that.
