
People Say Nice Things

During my recent interactions with people 2 comments stand out:

1) A boy at work got some new acne face wash from his mom and I, trying to make small talk, said "You'll have to let me know if it helps. I could use a good face wash." The sweet child answered, "Beth, you have acne? You must cover it up with make-up because I don't see anything." This was especially touching because I wasn't wearing make-up.

2) I hate shoe shopping. On Labor Day, I bit the bullet and tried on some shoes at a store in the mall called Tradehome. I explained to the salesman that I have a hard time finding shoes that fit because my feet are wide. After measuring my feet, he said, "Your feet aren't particularly wide. You just have a high instep." I didn't know what an instep was but having someone tell me that I didn't have wide feet gave me warm fuzzy feelings. In a shoe store? Unheard of. I left with a pair of Adidas Supernovas.

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