
Slice And Diced

Last Friday I had a bunionectomy performed -- surgery to correct the bunion on my left foot. It involved cutting up some bones of my big toe and putting them back together (in better alignment) with screws and pins. I try not to think about foreign objects permanently in my body.

The procedure went fine and I'm doing good, except for having to wear a cast for a month (erm, 4-6 weeks). Already had enough of that. I'm thinking I'll have a water "accident" in a few weeks because this cast is really inconvenient. Heavy, hard, hot... annoying. Then again, that may just be wishful thinking and I'll more likely be a good little patient and let the doctor take it off. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't I get notified when you post? I signed up to "follow" you a looong time ago. I also haven't been seeing any of your Facebook postings. What's goin' on??

    I've never been in a cast, so I can't relate. As long as you're not in pain you should be able to handle it okay. Good luck!
