
Defining Moments

"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it."
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Everyone experiences pain. It's a part of life. At times it may feel as if it is life. There are many possible responses to pain. Some find comfort in belief that "everything happens for a reason", some work to avoid people or situations that may cause similar hurt, while some become cold and bitter, some nurse their grievances and foster feelings of self-pity, and some internalize the hurt to blame themselves. 

Whether in fact or in exaggeration, the bad can easily overshadow the good. Spirituality seems to be tied to making sense of grief caused by painful events. Many religions teach answers to "why me?" Personally, I hate the trite sentiments of "everything happens for a reason", "silver linings", "when one door closes a window opens", "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Painful things happen and those feelings need to be honored and processed instead of shoved away. 

As for me, when life gives me crap, I am not going to make crap-ade. I'm going to feel sad, upset, frustrated, and often angry because there really is no upside or purpose to most of the sucky things that have happened to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like we need a Coldstone run to suppress all of our "crap"! Besides it's a yummy.
