Recently, I started paying attention to the lyrics of Tim McGraw’s Live Like You Were Dying. (Note: I'm not a country music fan) What if you knew how long you had left? Adults know they have a limited amount of time, but I imagine we generally have an expectation that time will be at least sixty years, and hopefully end in a peaceful, natural death. But what if it was less than that – much less? Would you live true to your ideals? Would you define your success by your career, or something else? Would you draw away from people, or closer? Would you become stronger in your religion, or hate God?
Why not now - today? Be the person you want to be. Be kinder. Make that phone call today. Redefine the relationships that cause you pain. Be spontaneous (or not). Don’t fret about the little things. Put less of the discretionary money into savings and take that trip. Quit the job you dread going to. Sign up for the class you’ve been thinking about. No, don’t forget about your future needs (get life insurance, write a will, have long term savings), but do live life now. Why put it off until tomorrow?
Great way to think! Great way to be! A D