
A Peeve

Got my ads today with the Sunday paper. Browsing through the store sales like I usually do and . . . Shopko is having an 'end of the season' sale. For summer things. In June. Which is funny, because when I went there last week I saw a clearance rack full of coats - winter coats. I guess I better shop ahead so I'll have short sleeve shirts in August and can't find any in the stores because sweaters are on sale.


that can't be good

had a dream last night that I was fired because I was sick and had to miss 3 days of work. thankfully that didn't happen. but today at work the office manager - my boss - asked my if I'm always sick or if it's just working there that was making me sick. yikes! i emphatically said that it was just coincidence and I rarely got so sick for so long.


Are We Better Yet?

Yeah, no. Saw the doc for a 2 week check up on the pneumonia. Good news is the lungs sound clear. Bad news is I have a double ear infection topped off by a sinus infection. He sent me home with more drugs and I'm staying home from work tomorrow. Send healthy vibes my way.


Blog Stalking

This is what happens when you make a habit of reading an old friend's blog without telling them. One day they decide to go private and then you have to explain that, even though you haven't visited or called or emailed in months and months and months, you want to be 'invited' to read their blog. Because, yes, you're a blog stalker and like to keep tabs on your friends in a rather one-sided, silent, distant sort of way.


Customer Service

I recently bought a box of hanging folders - you know, for filing papers. Well, the package said that there were 20 folders inside but when I counted (and recounted) there were only 19. I wrote a short email to let the company know about this descrepancy. They replied with an apology and said that a replacement product would be sent. While not the response I was expecting, I wasn't going to argue with getting something for free.

Yesterday I came home to find a package waiting on my doorstep. Yep, it was the "replacement product." The same file folders I had complained about, with one difference. This box had 18 of them. So much for quality control.


Happy Anniversary To Us!

What did we do for our 7th wedding anniversary last weekend?

  • made breakfast together and had muffins, fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, and sausage
  • skipped church
  • stayed overnight at a cute Bed & Breakfast
  • ate curry at an Indian restaurant


  • stayed home from work and enjoyed a 3 day weekend together
  • exchanged gifts

What we postponed because I was Sick: