
Have You Been Vaccinated?

No, not really a poll or even a soapbox. But I did get my influenza ("flu") vaccine this afternoon. Now my left arm is sore and it's not because of my coworker's ability. It's because I didn't follow the advice that I give patients. I didn't use my arm or massage the muscle. I sat in front of the computer and used my right hand to click the mouse as I browsed online.

Really though, I'm more bothered by the anticipation of feeling sick for two days. At least that's what I expect is going to happen sometime tomorrow or the next day based on experience from the past two years of getting the flu shot. That's part of the reason why I put off the immunization. The other part of my delay (and it's a toss up as to which was a bigger factor) is due to an announcement a couple weeks ago by administration at work that all employees had to get the flu vaccine by October 1st. No options or explanations given. And I objected on principle. I was planning on getting the vaccine anyway (because let's face it, with my immune system I'd be stupid not to) but what gives them the right to tell me what to do with my body?

And if any coworkers read this - don't rat on me.

P.S. Coincidentally, a local newspaper ran an article about this topic just last week. Read it on Utah County's Daily Herald.